Web Interface

Sharing by Link

If you want to make data accessible to people, all or some of whom do not use sciebo, you can share the file/folder via link. You will find all shared links in the left menu under "Shared via link". Files/folders shared via a link are marked with an oo symbol.

Sharing via Link

  1. Click the "<" shaped share icon next to the item you want to share. You can share both individual files and folders.
  2. The share menu opens on the right.
  3. Click "Public Links" and then click "Create Public Link". A share dialog will appear.
  4. Decide which rights people who access the file or folder via the link will have. The following options are available:
    • Download / View
    • Download / View / Upload
    • Download / View / Edit
    • Upload
      The three latter options are only available for folders. To share a document with write permissions, put them in a folder and share this with write permissions.
  5. Optional: Set a password to protect your data from unauthorised access.
  6. Optional: Set an expiry date to protect your data from unauthorised access.
  7. Optional: Send the link directly with a message to the recipients by entering their e-mail addresses in the appropriate field. Alternatively, you can later copy the link and send it using your normal e-mail program or share it in another way.
  8. Click on "Share".

Adding Files & Folders Shared by Link

If other users share data with you via link, you can add the shared files/folders to your own sciebo account.

  1. Open the link and, if necessary, enter the password with which the link is protected.
  2. Click on "Add to your ownCloud/sciebo"".
  3. Enter your server address in the input field (Einrichtung.sciebo.de) and click on the arrow to the right of the field.
  4. You will be forwarded to the sciebo login page. Log in with your sciebo identification.
  5. The link is now displayed as "Remote Sharing" in a pop-up window. You may need to re-enter the password that protects the link. Then confirm receipt by clicking on "Add remote share".
  6. The files/folders will now be added to your account.