
Sharing by Link

If you want to make data accessible to people, all or some of whom do not use sciebo, you can share the file/folder via link. An overview of all the links you have shared can be found sciebo web interface.

Sharing by Link

  1. Open your local sciebo folder.
  2. Right-click on the file or folder you want to share. Select "sciebo" and then "Share...".
  3. The share menu opens in a new window. Click on the tab "Public Links".
  4. By default, the new link is called "Public Link". If desired, give it a different name. Then click on "Create new".
  5. Decide which rights people who access the file or folder via the link will have. The following options are available:
    • Download / View
    • Download / View / Upload
    • Upload
  6. Optional: Set a password to protect your data from unauthorised access.
  7. Optional: Set an expiry date to protect your data from unauthorised access.
  8. Click on the three dots next to the new link to copy it to the clipboard and send it by e-mail, for example.
  9. Close the menu.

You can check at any time whether a file or folder has been shared by link by calling up the share menu again. There you will find a corresponding list under "Public links" where you can manage and delete associated links.