
Up- and Downloading

The easiest way to upload and download files and folders is via the sciebo client. But you can also do this in the web interface. This option is especially relevant if you are not working on your own device.

Uploading Files

  1. Select "Upload" under "+".
  2. Select one or more files and click "Open". Alternatively you can drag and drop the file(s) from your PC into the browser window.
  3. The loading bar shows the upload progress.

Uploading Folders

  1. Entire folders can be uploaded via drag and drop. To do this, drag the folder(s) from your PC into the browser window. (Uploading via the "+" symbol currently only works with Chrome).
  2. The loading bar shows the upload progress.

Downloading Files & Folders

Download Individual Files/Folders

  1. Click on the three dots next to the file/folder and select "Download".
  2. Decide where the file/folder will be saved on your computer.
  3. When saving folders, a zip file is created which you must unzip before opening.

Download Several Files/Folders

  1. Select the files/folders you want to download by checking the boxes on the folder/file icon.
  2. Click on the "Download" icon that appears in the top menu bar.
  3. The download will be a zip file.