30 GB to 2 TB

Project Boxes

Project boxes are special sciebo accounts for work groups that work with very large amounts of data (30 GB to 2 TB). They are particularly suitable for long-term projects with changing project management. Project boxes are not bound to individual persons, i.e. the role of the owner is transferable. Project boxes are managed in the owner's my.sciebo section.

Availability and Application Procedure

The institutions listed below provide project boxes. Unless otherwise noted, all employees with a sciebo account can apply for one.

Application via my.sciebo

  • Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei
  • Fernuni Hagen
  • FH Dortmund
  • FH Münster
  • Folgwang-Uni Essen
  • hbz NRW
  • HS Bielefeld
  • HS Bochum (professors only)
  • HS für Gesundheit
  • HS für Tanz und Musik Köln
  • HS Hamm-Lippstadt
  • HS Rhein-Waal
  • Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
  • Kunstakademie Münster
  • Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • RWTH Aachen
  • TH Köln
  • TH Georg Agricola Bochum
  • TU Dortmund
  • Uni Bonn
  • Uni Düsseldorf
  • Uni Köln
  • Uni Münster
  • Uni Paderborn
  • Uni Siegen
  • Uni Wuppertal

Application to the IT Centre

  • FZ Jülich: e-mail to IT representative/administrators
  • RWTH Aachen: e-mail to IT orderers
  • Uni Bielefeld: e-mail to service desk

Special Form

FH Aachen Uni Duisburg-Essen


The application should contain the following information:

  • Applicant
  • Project box name/identifier: 4 to 32 characters; e.g. Project-XY with the identifier project-xy.pbox@Your-Institution.de"
  • Department/Organisational Unit
  • Project description: In addition to a project title and a short abstract, information on the responsible organisational unit, project duration, project participants or funding may be useful. The text must not exceed 150 words.
  • Storage volume: 30, 500, 1,000 or 2,000 GB

For all applications, the support of the institution decides on an approval. Once the application has been approved, you will be notified by e-mail.


In order to use the project box, you must first set the password:

  1. Log in to my.sciebo with your central user ID (not sciebo ID).
  2. Select the menu item "change project box password".
  3. Select the desired project box from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter the new password.
  5. Log in to the sciebo web interface of your institution with the project box ID to activate the project box.


Direct access to the project box is only necessary for assigning access rights to the central project folder (using shares) and managing the associated editing rights:

  1. Log in to the sciebo web interface of your institution with the login data of the project box.
  2. Create a central project folder to be used for the project data.
  3. Share this folder with your own personal sciebo ID and the other project participants.
  4. You and the project participants can now access the shared project box folder via your/their own sciebo account(s) and create and edit folders and documents there.

Extension and Transfer

  • Extension: The duration of a project box is 2 years. An extension is possible via my.sciebo.
  • Transfer: The transfer of a project box is initiated via my.sciebo. (*Note: In order to enable the transfer to another person, no personal or copyright-protected data may be stored by the participants).